Our Thinker - Online program



An inquiry curriculum for educators and children

Our interpretation of the Reggio Emilia Educational Project's 

approach to planning in early childhood care and education settings.

At APECC we have been working for a number of years on ways in which we could translate the principles of the Reggio Emilia Educational Project in to other contexts. After trialling our approach - Planning for the possible: An inquiry curriculum for educators and children - in a range of settings across Australia and the SE Asian region since 2014, we now have an eBook series, over 50 podcasts that step you through our work, and an exclusive facilitated online learning management platform for dialogue & debate as an affordable virtual package for early childhood educators across the globe.


In this sequence of professional learning, we offer you a possibility to think differently about you practice through:

  • an opportunity to examine how image of child influences and underpins your practices
  • an exploration on the notion of deep listening based on professional curiosity as the foundational for planning a launch pad for the possibilities of inquiry - educators' and children's
  • an insight into curating an intentional teaching and learning context that amplifies the relationships between the physical and temporal environments
  • a window on being intentional when sharing teaching and learning
  • a focus on the role of assessment in these practices

Registration can be found at the bottom of the page. 

Our eBook Series

Our four part eBook series follows a sequential process to unpacking our interpretation of planning and inquiry curriculum based on the principles of the Reggio Emilia Educational Project. Each offers practical examples, suggested team tasks, simple templates, lots of photographs and a great deal of 'food for thought'! Examples are mainly drawn from settings Deborah works with, but also from the Boulder Journey School and other exemplary contexts. The eBook series and the podcasts follow the same structure to learning as the face to face Thinker - in - Residence program.

Part 1

Listening with intent

  • Image of child
  • Listening grid
  • Tracking tool
  • Professional conversations
  • Seeking significance
  • Studio journals

Part 2

Generating a professional inquiry

  • Formative assessments
  • Generating an inquiry
  • Planning for the possible - the structure
  • Morning meetings


Part 3

Curating intentional environments

  • Developing a robust sustainability policy
  • Curating the broader landscape for learning
  • Curating together
  • Spaces that welcome

Part 4

Documenting teaching and learning

  • What is educational documentation?
  • Building stories of teaching & learning
  • Sharing stories of teaching & learning
  • Going public with your work
  • Formative & Summative assessments

Our complementary podcasts

We currently have 50 complementary podcasts by Deborah to support you as you unpack each of the eBooks. These are hosted on your Learning Management System, which you will have exclusive access to and we add to these as questions and suggestions arise from our participants.


Here is free access to Deborah's publically available podcasts, which give you an opportunity to listen to some of her recent thinking.


Our atelier of dialogue and debate

In addition to our eBooks and podcasts, we also have a dedicated forum in our learning management system we have called our 'Atelier of dialogue and debate'. Borrowing from our colleagues in Reggio Emilia, this initiative works from the premise that an atelier is a space for thinking, reflecting, learning, investigating, questioning and collaborating. We hope you will enjoy sharing with other early childhood professionals, along with Deborah, as you unpack our Planning for the possible: An inquiry curriculum for educators and children.



Includes our four part eBooks, helpful resources, access to all podcasts and our atelier of dialogue and debate platform facilitated by Dr Deborah Harcourt


  • Available


 As part of a strategic approach to developing a professional learning community, with a commitment to grow teachers as leaders and ensure a research culture, I was pleased to  invite Dr Deborah Harcourt to pilot her PLANNING FOR THE POSSIBLE ideas (as part of her Re-configuring Quality Project) to facilitate and evaluate change over a three-year period (January 2014-December 2017).


This collaboration honed our critical reflective skills and through planned workshops, seminars, professional conversations - unified with an annual research inquiry - our team built educational leadership capacity and a deeper understanding of educational documentation and a strong view of the child as a researcher.


During our professional inquiries, our team developed a planning cycle linking inquiry, research and educational documentation. Our collective research and learning was shared with our early learning community and the wider community. The change in our thinking as researchers transformed our practice and our commitment to professionalising our teaching and learning.  


Our thinking was ignited, unified and we enjoyed ongoing debate, questioning, documenting, research and planning for the possible! Our relationships with children, families and the wider community deepened and aligned towards a strong statement of intent for our learning community.


I encourage you to work alongside Deborah as a thought leader and wish you well in your journey.


Vivienne Walsh

M.Ed. B.Ed. Dip EC Teaching, Director of Flinders Early Learning Centre (2007-2017), Queensland