
Engaging with research

Academic Research

As the foundation Professor of Early Childhood (ACU), Deborah Harcourt is one of the leading academics in the field of researching with children. She has an extensive publication and conference presentation portfolio in this area. Deborah is the founding Co-Chair of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association's Special Interest Group (SIG) on Children's Perspectives in Research with Prof Alison Clark and is a member of the European Education Research Association's SIG on Children's Rights. Deborah has written widely on the area of ethical practices and recently completed working with colleagues on a project with 4 and 5 year old children and what it means to be safe as part of a federal government funded project.

Research possibilities: All levels

Developing Research Capacity

This conversation invites settings to think about developing capability and capacity to engage with research. It might involve developing a research strategy, looking at grant applications or opening collaboration with the research field. We can plan an approach that best suits your context and research inquiry.


Research Seminars and Webinars for centre/school based teams:  Level 2 (Intermediate)

We can prepare a number of research based seminars to suit your requirements. The research is presented by Dr. Deborah Harcourt and is based on her own work with very young children as co-researchers.


We can include topics such as:

  • children’s measurement of the quality of their early childhood education experiences
  • how children construct rights
  • what it means to be a child
  • how children see the difference between adults and children 

Research Seminars and Webinars for centre/school based teams: Level 3 (Advanced)Research Seminars and Webinars for centre/school based teams: Level 3 (Advanced)

We offer a boutique series of four one-hour researching with children live webinars to support teams interest in taking a 'deep dive' into the notion of teacher as researcher.