We use our podcasts to explore some of the current issues, trends, challenges and niggles in contemporary early childhood education. We aim to provoke thoughtful and respectful dialogue among colleagues and other professionals interested in young children in order to continue to critique our craft.
FREE - Our podcasts are released through harcourtburke.podbean.com and offer FREE access to all. Grab a coffee and have a listen!
In this episode we explore the 11-2 time frame (or thereabouts) in early childhood settings to highlight some of the anxiety and stresses that we may unintentionally expose children to in this part of the day. We ask educators to be mindful of children's relationship with food and to further consider the role of self-regulation. You are welcome to share via the links below!
In this episode we explore three questions around quality. Can quality look like something? Can quality be branded? How easy is it to masquerade as quality to get through an assessment and rating visit? You are welcome to share via the links below.
In this episode we try to explore some of the traditional sacred cows in early childhood, such as sand, water and play dough and ask - are they essential for young children's learning? You are welcome to share via the links below.
In this episode we explore the notion of 'documentation fatigue', an ailment that many educators face. We look at some solutions loosely around what Deborah calls the "5Ps". You are welcome to share via the links below.
In this episode we explore the notion of children's identity and how it might be being railroaded by Family trees and portraits. You are welcome to share via the links below.
In this episode I try to explore the key tenets of Reggio Emilia and ask if in fact, makes this approach to early childhood education unreachable for most. You are welcome to share via the links below.
In this episode, we question the ethics of current documentation practices with a focus on a deeper consideration to involving children in deciding what is significant and what is made visible for others to see. You are welcome to share via the links below.
In this episode I explore the idea of moving away from "environment as the third teacher", to context as the third teacher and challenge the idea that environments for children need to be more of the same from a catalogue. You are welcome to share via the links below.
In this episode, we re-imagine the role of educational (or pedagogical) leader as one who is a respectful challenger in order to help us confront ideas and make the familiar strange.
In this episode, we look at the recent federal budget and try to look for opportunities to grow as a self-managed profession in terms of the quality of our work with children.
Office locations:
New Farm, Brisbane, Australia
Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Australia
Call us on (+61) (0)418307689
Email: info@deborahharcourt.com
Humjodesa Pty Ltd ACN 602961937 T/A
Burke Family Trust ABN 76474783972
Trustee for Asia Pacific Early Childhood Consultants
© 2025 Deborah Harcourt
All rights reserved for the ideas, titles and content delivered by APECC